Wednesday 24 October 2012

My Top 25 iPad Apps

My Top 25 iPad Apps

 Apple iPad

I would be amiss if I didn't do a technology blog so I decided my first tech blog would be on my iPad apps.  Everyone uses their technology differently and so this may or may not be helpful.  Regardless, I thought that I would show you how I use mine as it might prove to be useful to someone who has not seen some of the apps that I will show you.

When I started writing this blog I was only going to show my top 10.  I gathered my apps that I use regularly and ended up with just over 30.  Then when I started to categorise them I realised I hadn't really gathered all of my apps that I use and the list grew closer to 40.   I have a lot of apps so I'm only going to show you my most used iPad apps.  This is my top 25.  I have put them into categories to make it a little easier to look through.

Books / Magazines


Amazon's Kindle is a great way to get books.  I find it a cheap way to get books when I don't wish to collect the physical book.  


Zinio is an application that allows you to buy magazines on-line.  You buy a magazine subscription and then it is downloaded each month.  



I like Skype better than Facetime.  Skype allows me to keep in touch with my family during my work travels.   
If I'm not on my iPad, I can still connect from my PC and contact my family on their iPad or PC.


All Recipes Pro

I have found that All Recipes is one of the best on-line resources for recipes.  It also allows you to keep your own recipe box, post your own recipes and rate others recipes.  It has a good lay out and I have found that the recipes are rated quite well using crowd sourcing.

Culinary Fundamentals

If you are an aspiring chef, this is the app for you.  It has short videos showing you basic methods of cooking.  It will show you how to cut up various types of meat and vegetables.  It will show you techniques and basic recipes.


Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a great learning tool.  Whether you are 5 or 65, you can learn on-line.  Try it, you will definitely fine it helpful in your learning.

BYU Studies

Brigham Young University (BYU) provides a tool to look at many published articles on religious studies.  This is a great app to help you in your studies.  It is easily accessed, rather than try and locate the same articles on the web.


Scrabble HD

I had to at least include one game, so I included the one I play the most.  It is a great way to keep up your vocabulary and have fun doing it.



WebMD is a great app to go to if you are trying to find out about medical problems you might be experiencing.  If you want to look up symptoms it will help you find the most likely diagnosis.



The Internet Movie Database is a great place to look at movies that are up and coming or have come and gone.  This is a good place to look at the content of movies before you send your children.


NY Times

The NY Times is a great app that has some excellent news.  They have great reporting on the US elections and have a great technology, food & dining, and arts sections.

The Weather Channel

This is a quick easy way to check the weather forecast.  You just put in your location and then keep track of the local weather.  

Deseret News

If you are from Utah, like I am, you know that the Deseret News is a great place to get local news.  However, if you are not trying to keep up on local Utah news, you will still like this app as it has great sections on the family and issues facing the family.  

LDS Church News

This app lets you keep up to date with the news of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  It also allows you to connect to three church radio stations in Utah to listen to music, news and programs live.


Photoshop Express

Adobe Photoshop Express is a great app to work with your photos.  Whether you just want to adjust lighting or create an entirely different photo you will like this app.  


Photo Studio HD is a great app if you want to apply filters to your photos.  It has 190 effects and filters from Sepia to Photo frames.


Gospel Library

Gospel Library is an app that provides you with a full set off scriptures, church manuals, conference talks, and many other books and manuals.  I use this app everyday for scripture study and for talk preparation or lesson preparations.  A very handy app indeed!

Deseret Bookshelf

Deseret Bookshelf is similar to Kindle except that it is for Deseret Book store.  The Christian bookstore for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  It is a great way to buy and read religious books.  They have many free books included with it.  Excellent app!

Science & Technology

MIT Technology Review

The MIT Technology Review app is linked to their website reviewing new breakthroughs in technology at MIT.  There are some amazing new technologies on topics of computing, the web, communications, energy, biomedicine, and business.


I love NASA.  I can't get enough of the Hubble telescope images and the Mars curiosity images.  What about the new SpaceX Dragon cargo ship docking with the International Space Station!  Have you seen Boeing's new concept passenger plane, the X-48? Or, what about Northrop Grumman's flying wing?  Radical, dude! 
If you love space and aeronautics then you have to get this app as it will keep you continually satisfied with information. 

Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) is a nonprofit organisation devoted to ideas worth spreading.  You can watch talks from entrepreneurs, scientists, technologists, designers and global humanitarians on a variety of issues that impact us today.  There are some really awe inspiring talks and I would highly recommend this app.



Noteshelf is one of my favourite apps to take notes of meetings and conferences.  It also has the ability to keep your personal journal and many other functions.  You can use your stylus to write directly on your iPad to keep you notes in your own handwriting.


This is a great app to convert measurements, rates, weights and measures and many more conversions.



This is one of the best map apps out there.  It can give you directions, allow you to pin exact points, and map routes.  I know Apple is trying to start their own but it isn't anywhere near as good as Google.


Flight+ is a great app if you travel a lot.  You put in your flights and it will update you on delays and changes in gates and flight schedules.  


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