Wednesday 3 October 2012

Welcome to my blog

I'm glad you arrived safely! 

I must admit right from the beginning that I don't have any particular subject matter for this blog.  However, there are a few reasons why I have started this blog and here they are:
  • I wanted to record some of my favorite things in life. 
  • It is important to share your life with family and friends.
  • Perhaps some of what I write will benefit others.
  • I need to practice my writing skills!
  • It gives me a reason to work on my photography. 

Mom & Dad
Still in love after 63 years!
Happy Anniversary this weekend.

I think this statement sums up some key principles that my parents taught me .  I grew up being taught how to:
work hard for what you get, 
make due with what you have, 
share all you have with those around you,
and to love God and your fellowman.

I hope to share some of my favorite things in my life such as family, family history, gardening, cooking, woodworking, photography, reading, and my love of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I will most likely expand beyond these topics, such as including some of my travel, but these are some things that bring me happiness.

Oliana and Briana
The two most important people in my life.

Happy 50th Birthday to my sweetheart!
(I secretly included myself in the picture, LOL) 

I grew up in the small town of Orangeville, Utah, USA.  I think, at the time, we had around 2,000 people in the town and it was a great place to grow up.  It is at the base of the rocky mountains and on the edge of the painted desert.  You couldn't get much more of a diverse and beautiful surrounding to grow up in.  So, I thought I would start with a few of my favorite things about life in the country.

A great love for horses! What beautiful animals.
Just before leaving for University

I left the country for the big city when I was 21 to attend University.  It has taken me 23 years to get back into the country but I am back.  I now live in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia.

During the 23 years of city living, I would always make my escape to the country as often as possible.  I find it interesting that even though you might live in a small country town, you still escape to the even more remote places of this beautiful earth for relaxation and a bit of fun.

Fishing is one of the great relaxation times but it is also a time to talk and just keep up good relations and friendships. (Unless you're out-fished by your brother's and Father!)

Talk about relaxing.  I think Dad got a little too relaxed on this trip.

Why am I the only one not holding any fish?  I'm sure I caught one!

Being with family and friends is the main objective, but it seems so much nicer when you are together in the great outdoors.

Camping and Fishing at a very early age.  About 1973  It was just part of our normal life to be either in the mountains or at one of the many lakes around home throughout summer.

That's all for today!

Oh, just before I leave, a picture of part of my garden getting started.  Only about a 1/3 of it is planted.

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