Saturday 17 November 2012



One of my favorite snack foods is corn chips with guacamole or salsa.  This recipe is one of the most enjoyed by the family.  

Guacamole is really easy to make so I thought I would show you how.

The ingredients are pretty basic.  Avocado, red onion, tomato, lime, coriander (cilantro), Worcestershire sauce, taco sauce, garlic powder, taco seasoning, salt and pepper.

First, cut your avocado in half length way.

Chop the pit with your knife and then twist it to release the pit.

The pit removed.

Scoop out the avocado from the skin and place it in a bowl.

Mash the avocado with a fork.

You need about 1/4 of a lime.  Squeeze the 1/4 portion into the mashed avocado.

Chop 1/4 of a red onion.  Add to the mashed avocado.

You only need a couple of sprigs of coriander (cilantro).

Chop the coriander really well.  Add to the mashed avocado.

My recipe calls for two Roma tomatoes but I didn't have any so I just used a really large truss tomato.  Chop the tomato and add to the mashed avocado.

Garlic powder, taco seasoning, salt and pepper.  Add to the mashed avocado.

Now add your Worcestershire sauce and your taco sauce.
All ingredients have been added to the mashed avocado.
Just mix it all together.

The finished Guacamole ready for dipping those corn chips in.

You can find the recipe here.

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